
To achieve a positive attitude and approach towards staff.

To prevent incidents of abuse including aggression and violence.


This Policy applies to violence and aggression towards all employees as well as to employees of external contractors & staff. This policy applies to situations arising during the course of professional duties.

We are committed to:

  • Ownership and responsibility for staff safety.
  • Introducing preventative measures to minimise the risk to staff.
  • Ensuring that all staff are appropriately trained.
  • Reporting and monitoring all incidents.
  • Communicating to staff to ensure awareness of policy and procedures.
  • Staff support including appropriate support in taking action.
  • Public Awareness of our Zero Policy Statement.
  • Influence how perpetrators should be dealt with.

All staff have a vital role to play in protecting themselves, including participation inappropriate training, reporting of incidents and taking appropriate action against perpetrators of abuse or violence. The Company encourage staff that suffer any of the following are able to report the matter.

Non Physical Abuse: The use of inappropriate words or behaviour causing distress and/or constituting harassment. This includes receipt of abusive telephone calls from any source.

Physical Abuse: The intentional application of force against the person of another without lawful justification resulting in physical injury or personal discomfort.

Anti-Social Behaviour: The following are examples of anti-social behaviour that are not acceptable at or in connection with work:

Excessive noise eg loud or intrusive conversation, or shouting. Threatening or abusive language including excess swearing or offensive remarks or gestures. Derogatory racial, religious or sexual remarks or behaviour. Malicious allegations relating to members of staff. Inappropriate behaviour as a result of alcohol or misuse of illicit drugs, including non-prescribed medication or drugs. Intimidation, threats or threatening behaviour (eg 'I know where you live') Harassment or stalking violence, perceived acts of violence or threats of violence. Any explicit or implicit challenge to the safety, well-being or health of any member of staff. Brandishing weapons or objects which could be used as weapons.

Role Of Employees

All staff have the responsibility to:

  • Accept responsibility for their own safety.
  • Consider the safety of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions.
  • Familiarise themselves with and follow this policy and to bring to their managers attention concerns relating to personal safety.
  • Participate fully in risk assessments conducted in their work area.
  • Participate in any training that is made available to them.
  • Report all incidents of violence or threatened violence to their line manager.
  • Record details of incidents on an appropriate report form.
  • Contribute towards reviews concerning any violent incidents in which he/she has been involved.

Public Awareness

The Company will ensure that members of the public accessing its facilities are made aware of its commitment to zero tolerance of abuse or violence against staff by publishing the policy on the company website(s)

Liaison with police

Where physical injury or threatening behaviour has been suffered by a member of staff it is important that the matter is referred to the police for investigation if appropriate. The Company will support the police when undertaking a criminal investigation with a view to prosecution. It is important that staff affected co-operate in this process.