(Please call after faxing/emailing to confirm we have received your offer)

Note: This is not a Contract of Sale document. Both the purchaser and vendor must sign a Contract of Sale document before this offer becomes legally binding. An offer may be withdrawn at any time before signing a Contract of Sale document. Contracts of Sale may also be subject to a 5 day cooling-off period (exercisable by the purchaser).

To: The Edgar Natolo Team

I/we the Purchaser as detailed below, wish to make the following offer to purchase the property detailed below. We acknowledge that this offer is accepted and subject to the notice below I/we will be required to enter into and execute a contract in these terms.

I/we acknowledge I/we may be one of several parties making offers to the Vendor to consider.

Property: #RES2172   [ 42 Keppel Way, COOMERA ]

Select to add Purchaser 2
5% 10% Other amount
NO YES: 7 days YES: 14 days
No Yes
Please, Upload image/proof of pre-approval letter or email
NO YES: 7 days YES: 14 days
14 days 21 days 30 days 45 days
Waive Keep